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Become A Certified Bio-Well Practitioner

Together we are travelling to new heights of Science & Technology



Chakras Interpretation

If you want to learn how to interpret chakras that look like these, receive hands-on, workshop style training you are in the right place. Our live trainings are designed to over-flow your cup, stimulate your practice of the Bio-Well and its methods of informing practitioners about energy and stress.
Once you attend the entire 5 day course, pass the exam, and fill out the review, you will be a Certified Bio-Well Practitioner. The Certificate will be issued by Bio-Well U.S. General Manager. You will also invited to be listed on the Bio-Well's Practitioner Directory.


What do you Learn

By the end of this training, you will learn how to:

  • Operate your Bio-Well with more confidence

  • Know what key interpretation questions to ask your clients/patients

  • Properly measure & quantify readings of the human energy field with an emphasis on clinical interpretation using the Bio-Well

  • Discern Bio-Gram patterns and what they might mean, as well as different scan types and when to use them

  • And so much more…

Bio-Well empowers people & practitioners alike, making the invisible VISIBLE



Certification Training 720€ 

Early Bird Rate 540€ (Extended until March 31st )

PRE-REQUISITE: You must have joined a live Bio-Well Orientation Training or watched the pre-recorded Orientation Training. Everyone suffers if you do not know how to calibrate, set-up your Bio-Well and take a scan - let’s not create unnecessary suffering!

Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) has won the recognition of many specialists worldwide. Together with cutting-edge electro photonic methods it is used in medicine, professional sports and fitness, psychotherapy practices, spas, health resorts and basic & applied research. 

Curriculum & Key Details

This course is a HANDS-ON training so please have your Bio-Well ready to go.
Our Orientation Training, is a prerequisite for this training.

The training does not happen in the order listed below, these details are what will be covered in our days together, please do not strategize trying to skip any portion of this training.

Overview & Introduction

  • Case Study presentation to offer a high-level 

  • History of EPI/GDV method – from Lichtenberg figures to Kirlian effect and to the modern Bio-Well

  • Different types of Electro-Phototonic Imaging (EPI) and Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) devices

  • Difference between Bio-Well and GDV Cameras

  • EPI/GDV terminology: what we measure with the use of EPI/GDV devices. It is not the aura.

  • What are EPI images? EPI is not offering a medical diagnosis

  • Bio-Well certificates and EPI patents, Safety Certificates

  • Academic papers in peer-reviewed journals on EPI/GDV technology

  • Tour around

Main Principles of Bio-Well

  • Using the manuals and standard instructions

  • Preparing the device: Cleaning the electrode. How often? Calibration procedure: How to do it? How often to repeat?

  • How to test the Calibration - PRACTICE

  • The main point of calibration - PRACTICE

  • Preparing the client: How to capture human fingers correctly. Fingers positioning. Wet/hot fingers. What to ask a person before scanning fingertips.

  • Medical precautions and long nails issue


  • Scanning a person: standard procedure - PRACTICE

  • Measurements with filter - PRACTICE

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Working with the Bio-Well Software

  • Installing software updates?

  • Online & offline mode of capturing data - PRACTICE

  • Uploading offline captures - PRACTICE

  • Software interface – the function of each available button - tab by tab explained

  • Different regimes of capturing data: Full Scan, Stress Test, One Finger, Environment mode

  • Working with your database of clients and experiments: main rules and functions

  • Data exchange in Bio-Well - PRACTICE

  • Bio-Cor functions & Chakra’s music explained

  • Comparing the scans - PRACTICE

Main Principles of Bio-Well

  • Tab-By-Tab analysis: from integral parameters to sector structural analysis of the bio-grams

  • Main problematic sectors on the fingers

  • What to comment and not comment on to a client/patient

  • Functional analysis of the data: possible conclusions & key questions to ask

  • Psychosomatic approach to the Chakra’s interpretation



Approved by: Prof. Konstantin
Korotkov CEO, and Dmitry Orlov General Manager
Bio-Well Company ~ BIO-WELL-KTI OŰ
Paul Kerese 20, 21008 Narva, Estonia //

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