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Meridian Guasa Tharapy


Guasa is a natural alternative therapy

Guasa is an ancient Chinese therapy. it is having a history of more than 1800 years.

That involves massaging your skin with a special massage tool to improve circulation. 

That Ancient Chinese Healing technique offers a unique approach to better health,

addressing issues like chronic pain, stiffness, muscle cramps etc. Guasaindia is the

official site of the foundation. Guasa is a part of social services undertaken by


Instant pain relief without medicines

Changes are Permanent

Headache ,  Knee pain , Low back Pain  , Upper Back Pain , Neck Pain , Sciatica  , Calf Muscle Stiffness  and Any Other Muscle Pain

Guasa Basic Training

Foundation Conducts Classes in Guasa for the benfit of all. Orienting the class to give importance of self using Guasa technique for one self . Basic information in Guasa is given in the class, which is enough to treat oneself . Basic Guasa is conducted at reguler intervals, which will be announced by the foundation . Introduction classes are conducted for FREE for the benfit of all.

Guasa Advance Training

Foundation conducts Advanced classes giving in depth knowledge in the field of Guasa. Touching the subject of meridians and their importance in ones life , the bio rhythmic clock and its importance is the highlighting feature. One who has attended the basic class only are eligible for the advanced classes. Dates will be announced by the foundation

Guasa Treatment

Foundation conducts Guasa treatment camps

the results are so promising that chronic pains and stiffness can be removed within a matter of minutes.  The focus is to reduce pain and stiffness in the body . Guasa can be done for Headaches , cervical problems like spondylosis, stiff-neck etc, Shoulder pains, spinal cord problems, frozen Shoulder, Musclecramps, Backpains, lumbago,low back problems, leg pains and numbness and many more problems.

 Therapy Done - 16211 , Basic & Advanced Trainings - 1775

What is Gua sha ?

Gua Sha is an important hands-on medical treatment that has been used throughout  Asia for centuries,  Gua means 'to rub' or 'press stroke', Sha is a term that describes the blood congestion in surface tissue that accumlates in areas where the patient may experience stiffness and pain, Sha is also the term for little red dots that are raised from applying Gua sha ( Nielsen 2012 ). When Guasa press-stroking is applied in repeated even strokes, sha appears as small red dots , and the pain immediately shifts. In minutes the small red dots fade into blended reddishness. The sha disappears totally in 2 to 3 days after treatmentThe color of sha and rate of fading can indicate important information about a patient's condition. Pain relief lasts even after the sha is completely gone .

           The benefits of Gua sha are numerous. it resolves spasms and pain, and promotes normal circulation to the muscles , tissues, and organs directly beneath the are that is treated as seen in Gua shas immediate effect on coughing and wheezing . Research has shown that Gua sha causes a four-fold increase in micro circulation of surface tissue (Nielsen et al.2007) and can reduce inflammation ( Bran et al.2011: Chan et al, 2011).

          The patient experiences immediate changes in stiffness and pain with increased mobility.  Because Gua sha mimics sweating, it can help to resolve fever . Gua sha cools the patient who feels too warm , Warms the patient who feels too cold while relaxing and reducing anxiety. Acupuncturists and practitioners of traditional East Asian medicine consider Gua sha for any illness or condition where there is pain or discomfort , for upper respiratory and digestive problems , and any condition where touch palpation indicates here is Sha. Gua sha is often done in combination with acupuncture for problems that acupuncture alone cannot address.

        After treatment the patient is advised to keep the area protected from wind , cold and direct sun until the sha fades . They are also encouraged to drink plenty of water and eat moderately.

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